Spiritual and Mindful Practices with SOL Contributor Alicia Fletcher (Digital Detox)

Written on 01/24/2024
SOL Contributor Alicia Fletcher

As we step into the new year, our hearts are brimming with the memories and lessons from the past year and hopes and resolutions for the new year. You might already have a New Year resolution list or be planning to make one. Either way, we have one for you. This year, we urge you to be MINDFUL and nurture your spiritual self!
Stress is inevitable in a capitalist society; it’s like an unwanted guest who visits unexpectedly and stays as it pleases. Tight deadlines with a heavy workload? Juggling multiple responsibilities? Argued with your spouse? Dealing with financial issues? It’s normal, and only human, to get cold feet every once in a while. However, if stress is becoming a tenant instead of a guest and disturbing your everyday lifestyle, serve this tenant an eviction notice this year by introducing these top 5 spiritual and mindfulness practices.

1. Digital Detox
  **Resolution No. 1:** Aim for no phone usage during the first three hours after waking to allow your brain to transition smoothly, for a more balanced day.
The mindless scrolling, celeb gossip, and filtered images are making our attention span less but stress levels higher. You may think that checking your phone first thing in the morning is smart. After all, it keeps you updated and connected. However, neurologists might disagree with you. 
As you wake up, your brain waves shift from the delta—resting and regenerating waves to theta waves—responsible for making memories, learning new things, and processing information. 
Following that, these theta waves transition into alpha waves. Alpha waves are associated with a relaxed yet alert state, aiding in cognitive performance, memory processing, and a positive mood. 
From there, our brain finally gets into a beta state, and we stay in this state for the rest of our day. These waves help you perform your everyday tasks, from household chores to interactions and work. 
However, when you grab your phone first thing in the morning, you disturb your brain's natural transition period and force it to jump directly from delta waves to beta waves, skipping theta and alpha waves. It’s like putting on foundation before cleanser and moisturizer. This unnatural transition keeps you on edge for the next whole day, followed by a depressed, tense, and unproductive day.

LisN Contributor Alicia Fletcher